Who we are
The world of innovation in your hands.
BIOMEDICA ITALIA is a company active in Italy in the distribution of medical devices for the surgical specialties and is part of the ADDLIFE Group.
The Company, born from the acquisition by AddLife of the medical devices’ distribution business from Siad Healthcare S.p.A., has more than thirty years of experience in the field of advanced surgical specialties and has proven not to be a simple supplier, but a partner for the healthcare professionals who can rely upon its professionalism, competence and dedication.

The products offered by BIOMEDICA ITALIA are characterized by high quality and reliability as well as by the prestige of the international brands that the company distributes in Italy.
Customer support is guaranteed by a capillary coverage of the territory with the presence of a highly specialized sales force which is supported side by side on a daily basis by technical specialists who together truly operate as a “Consultancy Team” for the health professionals.
The productive collaboration with its partners generates a careful activity of implementation of the strategies, which are therefore aligned to the individual needs, taking care of corporate communication and participation at national, local and international scientific events. The organization of training courses ensures the highest standards of quality in the proper use of the medical devices distributed.
The activities are in the following segments:
- Neurosurgery, ENT and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Wound Care, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Spine Surgery, Interventional Radiology and Pain Management
- General and Hepatobiliary Surgery
- Surgical Equipment
- Respiratory Terapy
- Infection Control
- Orthopedics
The logistics and a careful customer service guarantee speed and accuracy of all transactions with the administrations of all our clients which go from the public hospitals to private hospitals and clinics as well as nursing homes, pharmacies and para pharmacies.

Our Partners

Code of Ethics & Compliance System
The growth and success of Biomedica have always been consistent with the company’s principles and values, which are inspired by clarity and transparency and translate into rigorous observance of the laws, respect for employees, customers, suppliers and shareholders, in fair competition, in commitment to quality, safety and environmental protection and in social responsibility.
Code of Ethics formalizes the Biomedica values: it explains the rules to be followed so that all the activities carried out in the various company areas can always be conducted in a regular and correct manner and whose observance is fundamental to reaffirm the reliability and image of the Group.
Code of Ethics constitutes an integral part of the organisation, management and control model (Model 231) adopted by resolution of the Board of Directors of Biomedica Italia Srl on December 1st 2020 and updated in its latest version on May 27th 2024 in order to adapt it to regulatory changes intervened.
Biomedica has also implemented a whistleblowing system compliant with Legislative Decree 24/2023 to allow reporting of significant illicit conduct pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001 and violations of Model 231. This decision confirms our ethical commitment to transparency and corporate integrity.
For further details, please refer to the dedicated procedure.
To make a report you can access the platform via the specific link:
BIOMEDICA has shown its commitment to guarantee the safety of its Customers and patients, achieving the UNI EN ISO Quality and Safety Certificates.
Reputation and reliability are among the most important goals of our company, and this is continuously confirmed by the accuracy and high level of quality of our activities, which are essential requirements for the renewal of these certificates.