AddLife Group
AddLife is a listed Swedish Medtech company active on the European market. AddLife owns and acquires market-leading companies in niche segments with offerings aimed primarily at the healthcare sector – from research to medical care. The AddLife share has been listed since 2016 on Nasdaq Stockholm, Large Cap. The head office is located in Stockholm.
The Group’s entrepreneur-driven subsidiaries offer high-quality, costeffective solutions and products to both the private and public sectors.
The product portfolio consists of products from other manufacturers as well as our own. The service portfolio offered by the companies of the group includes advisory services, technical service and training.
With this approach AddLife creates added value for customers throughout Europe and builds long-term growth for the Group.
AddLife is divided into two business areas Labtech and Medtech. AddLife currently has a presence in over 25 countries, mainly in the Nordic region, as well as in Central and Eastern Europe.

VISION We improve people’s lives by being a leading, value-creating player in Life Science. | |
MISSION AddLife provides added value to its customers in the healthcare sector – from research to medical care. AddLife offers high-quality, cost/effective solutions of services and products to both the private and public sectors in Europe. | |
VALUES Simplicity – Responsibility – Commitment- Innovativeness. AddLife’s success is built on a well supported corporate culture throughout the Group. Strong values are guiding principles in the daily lives of all employees – regardless of market. |
AddLife owns and develops companies that enhance quality of life, reduce patient suffering and increase social benefit. To achieve this vision, we offer our subsidiaries competitive solutions that meet both the short-term and long-term needs of the customers.